Monday, May 27, 2013

Qt QML Introduction and Simple Example Program

QML is declarative language used to develop user interface, is a part of the Qt Quick module. Qt Quick consists of set of technologies including Qml, C++ API's for integrating Qml with Qt application, Qt creator IDE, rum time support.
Qt Quick module comes with the Qt with 4.7 or later versions.

Qml we use elements to draw something on the screen(output) like text, image, rectangle etc.Every element in the qml is like a object. We cal also implement javascript code in side the qml file. Item is the base type for the all the elements.

To start a Qml Application we need to import Qt Quick module with version in the beginning of the every qml file, because the elements we are going to use included in this module. For example the following element displat a rectangle.
Import QtQuick 1.0
Rectangle {
    id: rect
    width: 300
    height: 300
    color: "red"